
The Name of the Game is 'Effectiveness and Efficiency'

Whether You Are in the Game, or Just Want to Be ...

We have publications and tools to help. Many people regard lean, six sigma, and other best practices concepts as intuitive, common sense. Unfortunately common sense is very uncommon, and the discipline to follow up even less common. With the dedicated application of our tools you will stand out. In a good way.

This reference book, extracted from It IS Broke. Fix It! The Comprehensive Business Improvement Toolkit, is focused on operational excellence concepts and designed for just-in-time use. It describes how to use the tools of available in the toolkit of slides and Excel workbooks to ensure quality and efficiency are optimized. Whether you are organizing a  event or a large project to achieve your business improvement goals, or just setting goals for your manufacturing or office operations, you will find the guidance and tools you need.

As every experienced business improvement practitioner knows, it is not nearly enough to order the whole team to adopt  /  disciplines. If the program is not already effectively in place, these disciplines represent a change in how business is done, and few people love change. So the final chapter of this book addresses this critical aspect to ensure your move to a more efficient and effective operation is successful.

The Excel-based toolkit contains the complete set of instructor summary PowerPoint slides plus the tools and techniques described in Every Manager’s Lean / Six Sigma  Quick Reference and Toolkit. Tools are ready to use, with on-screen instructions throughout:

  • 5S Audit:  What kind of mess have they made?
  • Prioritizing Tools:  What should we work on first?
  • Operations Analyses:  What’s broken?
  • Kaizen Events:  Let’s make quick work of it!
  • Process Map:  Should we be doing it this way?
  • Throughput – Yield:  Does it help to make more?
  • In-Out Sourcing:  Should we make this ourselves?
  • Project Administration:  We need to do some complex work.

At their core, Lean and Six Sigma concepts are pure common-sense operating practices, but in today’s complex production environments it is extremely important to get the whole team coordinated, with a common lexicon and toolkit. This CD’s PowerPoint and Excel files present state of the art Lean and Six Sigma in a clear, efficient style.

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